Витреоретинальная хирургия. WET-LAB. Курсы МАМО

Vitreoretinal surgery. WET-LAB

Vitreoretinal surgery is a dynamically developing field of ophthalmic surgery. Methods of sparing interventions are constantly being improved: less traumatic removal of proliferative tissue, seamless surgical manipulations, the use of new surgical instruments and technologies.
The MAMO Academy provides an opportunity to take a 5-day advanced training course with 36 NMO points!

  • €940


  • 02 June 2025
Витреоретинальная хирургия. WET-LAB

Course description

The main purpose of the practical course is: acquisition of skills and experience of working with modern surgical microscopes, instruments, dyes by doctors studying on the cycle. Parallel discussion of surgical techniques designed for in-depth study of specific techniques of operations, allows you to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained. Practical classes of cadets on the development of microsurgical techniques of operations and the development of individual stages of operations are conducted on isolated animal eyes and bionic eye models.

Additional course information

Total cost €940
NMO Points 36 points
Course dates 02-06 June 2025 y.
Number of hours 36 academic hours
Number of participants no more than 12 people
Total cost €940
NMO Points 36 points
Course dates 13-17 October 2025 y.
Number of hours 36 academic hours
Number of participants no more than 12 people

Course section

Обучение Офтальмологии

Course for


Documents for admission

  • Copy of the passport
  • Passport - 2 list
  • The document on higher medical or pharmaceutical education
  • Old specialist certificate
  • Marriage/divorce certificate, if the name has been changed *
  • Additional documents
* — If this document is available


г. Москва, Ленинградский пр-т, д.72, стр.3, этаж 6, тренинг-центр Алкон

Course Lecturers

Practice on the equipment

Офтальмологический хирургический микроскоп LuxOR



Course program

День 1

День 2

День 3

День 4

День 5