Trubilin Vladimir Nikolaevich

Krupina Evgeniya

Candidate of Medical Sciences, research teacher
  • Vitreoretinal surgeon
In any activity, there is always the opportunity to improve your professionalism. A course in vitreoretinal surgery will give you new experiences, new answers and opportunities. Here we reflect the modern anatomical nomenclature, classifications, diagnostics and modern methods of surgical treatment of various vitreoretinal pathologies. Krupina E.
Крупина Евгения Александровна
  • year of medical practice 17
  • scientific works 19
  • patents for inventions 6

Coducts courses

Факоэмульсификация катаракты. WET-LAB
Обучение Офтальмологии

Phacoemulsification of cataracts. WET-LAB

During the training, an ophthalmologist will be able to fully master the basic knowledge about the technology of cataract phacoemulsification surgery.

Attention: The basis for enrolling in WETLAB is: certificate of advanced training, confirming the passage of the theoretical part on the basis of MAMO or other educational institution.

To study in this course, a minimum operational experience of cataract phacoemulsification is required from the listener.
MAMO Academy provides an opportunity to take a 3-day advanced training course with 24 NMO points!
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Витреоретинальная хирургия. WET-LAB
Обучение Офтальмологии

Vitreoretinal surgery. WET-LAB

Vitreoretinal surgery is a dynamically developing field of ophthalmic surgery. Methods of sparing interventions are constantly being improved: less traumatic removal of proliferative tissue, seamless surgical manipulations, the use of new surgical instruments and technologies.
The MAMO Academy provides an opportunity to take a 5-day advanced training course with 36 NMO points!
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Витреоретинальная хирургия. WET-LAB
Обучение Офтальмологии

Витреоретинальная хирургия. WET-LAB

Витреоретинальная хирургия – это динамически развивающееся направление офтальмохирургии. Постоянно совершенствуются методы щадящих вмешательств: менее травматичное удаление пролиферативной ткани, бесшовные хирургические манипуляции, использование новых хирургических инструментов и технологий.
Основной целью практического курса является: приобретение обучающимися навыков и опыта работы с современной хирургической аппаратурой, операционным микроскопом, микроинструментарием, красителями, заменителями стекловидного тела, силиконовых пломб, циркляжных лент, эндолазеров и световодов.
Академия МАМО предоставляет возможность пройти 5-ти дневный курс повышения квалификации с получением 36 баллов НМО!
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Витреоретинальная хирургия: регматогенная отслойка сетчатки.WET-LAB
Обучение Офтальмологии

Vitreoretinal surgery: regmatogenic retinal detachment.WET-LAB

At the end of the course, students will acquire skills in conducting scleral filling, "circulation", gas tamponade of detachments, vitreoretinal surgery for detachments;
they will acquire knowledge on the management of patients in the perioperative period, knowledge of the algorithm for choosing management tactics.
ATTENTION! The course program is under accreditation. NMO points will be awarded after the program is accredited.The MAMO Academy provides an opportunity to take a 2-day advanced training course with obtaining 16 NMO points!
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From 2009 to 2015, she worked as an ophthalmologist at the Diagnostic Department of the Diagnostic and Treatment Center at the Federal State Autonomous Institution Scientific Research Center for Scientific and Technological Research, MNTK Eye Microsurgery named after Acad. S.N. Fedorova »Ministry of Health of Russia.

From 2015 to 2018, clinical postgraduate studies in the specialty "Ophthalmology" in FSAI "NRC" MTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after Acad. S.N. Fedorova »Ministry of Health of Russia in the Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery and Diabetes of the Eye. Qualification Researcher. Research Teacher

Since 2019 - FSBI “NMHTs im. N. I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia.


  • in 2000 she graduated from Stavropol State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine
  • since 2000 she was trained in a clinical internship in ophthalmology at the Department of Eye Diseases of SSMU
  • from 2002 to 2004 she was trained in clinical residency in the specialty "Ophthalmology" in FSAI "NRC" MTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after Acad. S.N. Fedorova »Ministry of Health of Russia
  • in 2019, defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: Surgical treatment of idiopathic macular rupture using platelet-rich blood plasma