Ультразвуковая диагностика в офтальмологии

Ultrasound diagnostics in ophthalmology

The course combines basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills, allows you to master a safe, non-invasive and highly informative method in 2 days, allowing you to verify the diagnosis in the shortest possible time. A detailed analysis of interesting clinical cases proposed by the teacher and students helps cadets to confidently start working independently upon returning to the workplace.

  • €390

  • 22 February 2025
Ультразвуковая диагностика в офтальмологии

Course description

The advanced training course "Ultrasound diagnostics in ophthalmology" is intended for interns and residents of medical universities, ultrasound diagnostics doctors and ophthalmologists. The first day is devoted to the theoretical foundations: the physical properties of ultrasound, the peculiarities of visualization of the eye and orbit in normal and pathological conditions. A gallery of own ultrasound photo and video images, as well as scans presented in modern domestic and foreign publications on ultrasound diagnostics of eye diseases, complements the content of each chapter of the lecture. The task of the second day is to master the acquired knowledge in practice: familiarization with the device and the principle of operation of various ultrasound devices, individual work with cadets to teach the skills of ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit, analysis of clinical cases. Two days of deep immersion in the subject allow you to easily and with pleasure master new useful knowledge.

Additional course information

Total cost €390
NMO Points 16 points
Course dates 22-23 February 2025 y.
Number of hours 16 academic hours
Number of participants no more than 10 people

Course section

Обучение Офтальмологии

Course for

Врачей ультразвуковой диагностики и офтальмологов, клинических ординаторов

Documents for admission

  • Copy of the passport
  • Passport - 2 list
  • The document on higher medical or pharmaceutical education
  • Old specialist certificate
  • Marriage/divorce certificate, if the name has been changed *
  • Additional documents
* — If this document is available


г. Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, д.8, стр.5, офис 203. *Слушателям курса предоставляется скидка -10% на проживание в бизнес-отеле "Серпуховской двор" по адресу: г.Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, д.8, стр.4. Контакты для бронирования со скидкой: тел. 8-915-187-69-38 или E-mail: info@sdhotel.ru

Course Lecturers

Practice on the equipment

AB-скан Meda MD-2300S

Course program

День 1

День 2